First time this property is sold as purely Commercial. So many opportunities! Garage is very large and has a small office space. Corner of 16th & Main makes for prime location.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $335,000 |
Address: | 1543 Main St |
City: | Philomath |
County: | Benton |
State: | Oregon |
MLS: | 779794 |
Square Feet: | 1,305 |
Acres: | 0.25 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.25 acres |
area: | 70 BENTON COUNTY |
water: | City, Connected |
access: | Paved, State Highway |
fenced: | Yes |
siding: | Wood |
auction: | No |
lvtDate: | 2021-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 |
signage: | Yes |
location: | TBD |
railroad: | No |
systemid: | 779794 |
taxYears: | 20-21 |
la1County: | Benton |
lo1County: | Benton |
sa1County: | LINN |
so1County: | LINN |
taxAmount: | 2478 |
floodPlain: | No |
foundation: | Continuous |
possession: | COE |
crossStreet: | 16th St |
fullAddress: | 1543 Main St |
sidingStyle: | Lap |
pricePerAcre: | 1340000 |
approxLotSqft: | 10890 |
lo1serviceArea: | Y |
so1serviceArea: | Y |
newConstruction: | no |
propertyUseType: | Any Use-All the Following |
sa1agentLogonName: | 14997 |
statusCategoryMls: | Sold |
suitableForOffice: | Institutional/Gov,Office Building,Office-R&, D |
assessmentsOrLiens: | no |
sa1agentIdentifier: | 9422 |
sourceOfSquareFeet: | County |
approxLotDimensions: | 74x148 |
highSpeedCommAccess: | Available |
offMarketStatusDate: | 2022-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 |
ownerUsCitizenFrpta: | Yes |
confidentialityAgrReq: | No |
listingVisibilityType: | MLS Public Listing |
suitableForIndustrial: | Office Showroom |
lo1zillowSyndicationYN: | Y |
so1zillowSyndicationYN: | Y |
termsSellerWillconsider: | Cash, Conventional |
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