View full listing detailsPrice: | $469,000 |
Address: | 1115 Gwinn St E |
City: | Monmouth |
County: | Polk |
State: | Oregon |
Zip Code: | 97361 |
Subdivision: | Edwards Addition No. 4 |
MLS: | 780842 |
Year Built: | 2014 |
Square Feet: | 1,971 |
Acres: | 0.100 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.100 acres |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
Bathrooms: | 2 |
additionalRoomLevel: | 2/Upper |
approxLotSqft: | 4500 |
area: | 95 POLK COUNTY |
auction: | No |
bathsTotal: | 2 |
bedroom2Level: | 1/Main |
bedroom3Level: | 1/Main |
bonusRooms: | Loft |
buyersAgentCoop: | Yes |
coListingAgentFirstName: | PATRICK |
coListingAgentLastName: | OLMSTEAD |
coListingAgentPhone: | 541-954-4729 |
coListingOfficePhone: | 541-753-4567 |
crossStreet: | Martin St |
dining: | Formal |
diningRoomLevel: | 1/Main |
dishwasher: | Yes |
dualLiving: | No |
elemSchool: | Monmouth |
escrowAt: | Ticor |
exclusions: | Washer/dryer, refrigerator |
fireplace: | Living Room, Gas |
flooring: | Wood |
forSaleSign: | yes |
foundation: | Continuous |
fullAddress: | 1115 Gwinn St E |
garageCapacity: | 2 |
garageType: | Attached |
geoAddressLine: | 1115 Gwinn St E |
geoPostalCode: | 97361 |
geoPrimaryCity: | Monmouth |
geoSubdivision: | OR |
heatinGCooling: | Gas, Central AC, Forced Air |
highSchool: | Central |
highSpeedCommAccess: | Available |
homeStyle: | 1.5 Story |
homeWarranty: | No |
homeownersAssn: | Association With Fee |
inclusions: | Garden supplies, range, microwave, dishwasher |
inspectionReportAvlb: | No |
kitchenLevel: | 1/Main |
lO1OfficePhone1CountryId: | United States (+1) |
lO2OfficePhone1CountryId: | United States (+1) |
la1County: | BENTON |
la1agentLogonName: | 16921 |
la1agentPhone1Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la2County: | Benton |
la2agentIdentifier: | 854 |
la2agentLogonName: | 5652 |
la2agentPhone1Countryid: | United States (+1) |
landscape: | Yes |
listingAgentEmail: | |
listingAgentFirstName: | BOSTON |
listingAgentLastName: | BATE |
listingAgentPhone: | 541-965-0159 |
listingDate: | 2021-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 |
listingOfficePhone: | 541-753-4567 |
listingVisibilityType: | MLS Public Listing |
livingRoomLevel: | 1/Main |
lo1County: | Benton |
lo1idxInclude: | 1 |
lo1serviceArea: | Y |
lo1zillowSyndicationYN: | Y |
lo2County: | Benton |
lo2serviceArea: | Y |
lo2zillowSyndicationYN: | Y |
location: | - |
lot: | 85 |
lvtDate: | 2021-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 |
masterBedroomLevel: | 1/Main |
middleSchool: | Talmadge |
newConstruction: | no |
numBathsLevel1Main: | 2 |
originalPrice: | 469000 |
ownerUsCitizenFrpta: | Yes |
patio: | Covered Patio, Patio |
possession: | COE |
pricePerAcre: | 4690000 |
pricePerSqft2: | 237.95 |
rangeFacility: | Gas |
roof: | Composition |
securitySystem: | No |
sellingOfficeCommissionType: | % |
sewerCity: | Yes |
siding: | Fiber Cement |
sidingStyle: | Lap |
sourceOfSquareFeet: | Owner |
statusCategoryMls: | Active |
systemid: | 780842 |
taxAmount: | 5523 |
taxYears: | 20-21 |
termsSellerWillconsider: | Cash, Conv |
undergroundSprinklers: | Yes |
vowAvm: | Yes |
water: | City |
waterHeater: | Electric |
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